
a gift.

I am so blessed by a very special friend in my life. Her name is Ivys (pronouced "ee-vees). We have been friends for almost 6 years! Let me tell you a little bit about my friend.....Ivys is the most incredible woman for so many reasons. She is a single mom to beautiful, 12yr old Caitlyn, who battles a terminal disease called Mitochondria disorder. Despite the intense, hourly requirements of Caitlyn's care, Ivys remains a symbol of strength for her daughter. Ivys has NO family in the United States. Until now! Her amazing parents, Jose and Adelina, have recently left the life they have known for 60+ years in the great country of Panama to move to America to help with Caitlyn's care so Ivys can work full time. They have only been here for one month!! Wow, if that isn't the defintion of love! For her Christmas present this year, I wanted to spend some time capturing the beautiful love Ivys has for her daughter and the love that radiates from her parents. So while this is my gift to my sweet friend, the real gift is the model of strength, hope, and faithfulness that Ivys shows me. Here are a few favorites from our time together...

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