I don't even know where to start to share with you the joy I had last night. My dear friends Joe and Lori have had one of the most incredibly challenging last two years than anyone I've ever known! But in the end, they have been blessed with two of the most beautiful little miracles I've evern seen. And "miracle" is an understatement! Never has God been so big, so in control, and so faithful than when I look at their story. These sweet, precious girls had so many odds and risks stacked against them from the moment they were conceived, and, on top of that, they entered the world 10 weeks early and spent the first 1-2 months in intensive care. While baby Addie kept growing an was released from the hospital, baby Jessie's fight had only just begun. I could literally write pages about all that Jessie has been through in her short seven months of life, but let it just suffice to say that GOD IS GOOD, ALL THE TIME!! And you now have the privelge to see His work....
This morning I had a blast photographing some friends from high school and their most adorable, "Suri-Cruise-look-a-like" daughter!! They live on a lake in High Point, NC and they have the most gorgeous yeard EVER! The sun was absolutely perfect this morning:) Here are a TON of my faorites!! They are such a beautiful family!!!
Sweet Caroline...
LOVE this family series...
(Tony you're gonna LOVE these next ones!!!) Drop-dead gorgeous momma and her baby...
Friday I'll be heading to Greensboro for a long weekend at my parents' house! I am so excited to finally have a chance to spend some time with a friend from high school, capturing sweet moments between her and her husband and their 18 month old cutie! They live by the lake in High Point and have the most gorgeous yard so I know we'll have fun!! Stay tuned....
It's so cute to see my little girl toddling around demonstrating her new walking skills! She really is a "toddler" now! I've been wanting to take her out once she was really walking and do a little shoot with her in this precious dress I found at a consignment sale! With the beautiful day we had, I decided now was the time!
Ok, boy am I GLAD that we were forced to postpone our session from Wednesday of Monica's beautiful baby belly!! We had a gold mine today with this gorgeous weather! And GORGEOUS is just what we got! I'm not even kidding when I say that this shoot ranks up towards the top of my most favorite shoots so far! The sun, the colors, the emotion, the beauty, the love, the lighting, .....I could go on and on! Here are SEVERAL of my favorites for your sneak peak!!
these next two are probably my most favorite!! I don't even care that there are some "hot spots" (photography terms for sun spots that are too bright! so what if her belly was reflecting the light like crazy!!) because I love everything about these: the wind blowing Monica's hair and shirt, the sun on her face, and her laughing with joy!
Please visit the LTP official website by clicking the logo above or contact Lindsey Turner at info@LindseyTurnerPhotography.comfor current pricing information.